星期三, 八月 31, 2005

夕阳无限好 The setting sun is nice 多经典的歌后 Such a classical "queen of singer" 一眨眼已走 has gone suddenly 缠绵着青葱的山丘 The massif is full of scallion 转眼变蚁丘 it has been anthill 这个刹那宇宙 This momentary universe 拒绝永久 rejects to be forever 世事无常还是未看够 seen all about the world 还未看透 Never learnt all about the world 多好玩的东西 Such an amused thing 早晚会放低 will be given up one day 从前并肩的好兄弟 Side-by-side good friends before 可会撑到底 whether it will go on 爱侣爱到一个地步 Lovers will go on love 便另觅安慰 but will find another love 枉当初苦苦送礼 wrongly bitter to give you the present 最艳的花卉 the most beautiful flower 最後化烂泥 finally being slime 夕阳无限好 the setting sun is nice 天色已黄昏 the colour of sky has been dusk 本想去凭爱 before,suppose to take the love 去换最灿烂一生 to get one wonderful life 想不到长吻 never think that one forever kiss 带来更永恒伤感 brings one forever hurt 夕阳无限好 the setting sun is nice 却是近黄昏 but it is near to dark 高峰的快感 the high and large charge 刹那失憾 sudden to lose the feelings 风花雪月不肯等人 anything won't wait you 要献便献吻 so go ahead to dedicate one kiss 多风光的海岛 such one nice island 一秒变废土 has been scrap land in one second 长存在心底的倾慕 the adore always in my heart 一秒够细数 can understand all in one second 每秒每晚彷似大盗 every second,every night like one robber 偷走的青春一天天变老 make away with youth,ageing through the day 只可追忆到 just can look back 想追追不到 but can not catch yet 夕阳无限好 the setting sun is nice 天色已黄昏 the colour of sky has been dusk 本想去凭爱 before,suppose to take the love 去换最灿烂一生 to get one winderful life 想不到长吻 never think that one forever love 带来更永恒伤感 brings one forever hurt 夕阳无限好 the setting sun is nice 却是近黄昏 but it is near to dark 高峰的快感 the high and large charge 刹那失陷 sudden to lose the feelings 风花雪月不肯等人 anything won't wait you 要献便献吻 so go ahead to dedicate one kiss 好风景多的是 there are a lot of nice views 夕阳平常事 the setting sun is one normal view 然而每天眼见的 however every day we see 永远不相似 is never ever the same
*不知道在这感性歌词的背后,有着怎样一个感性的人呢? *I don't know what is the people who is back of such a sensible lyric.
