星期三, 八月 24, 2005

名字就叫作第一帖。 接触博客其实已经是很久之前的事情了,但是我当时只是带着旁观者的心情去享受博客所带来的那些好处。不过,令我惊讶的是,原本我以为只可能在国外风靡的新兴潮流,在国内也能一并发展,真是有感于互联网技术的伟大。 所以,我想,假如秦始皇活在当今,他应该也不会使用焚书坑儒的傻做法,而应该学习本拉登的恐怖主义精神把那一条条海底光缆剪烂,那才是明智之选。 随便说说。 *联想到现在有些地方关于一些事情还搞隐瞒,试问,怎么瞒?瞒多久呢? The topic is "the first note". Actually I have already touched "blog" for a very long time.But at that time I was only acted as one stander-by to enjoy the goods brought from it.Now I merely feel surprised that the foreign popular technique is so fast to come to "our" life.I really find out that Internet surely is one of the greatest invention in the past century. So,I think that if the first emperor of Qin Dynasty was alive,he would not going to set all confucian books on fire,but need to learn from Bin Laden,that kind of terrorism,to cut all network cable underwater.That will be a smart choice. Easy to talk. *Thinking of some affairs,a lot of people wanna hide them.Please ask yourself how to hide them and how long you can hide them.
