星期四, 十一月 24, 2005

最近听了周杰伦新专辑的几首歌,专辑的名为《十一月的肖邦》。走的复古的路线,觉得旋律就是那么熟悉,那歌词虽然还是那么地听不清楚,可就是很上口。服了,这就是他的个人特色啦。我们欣赏就得了,不用指手画脚了。 Key word:Jay Chou---" Nov.'s Chopin"---Return to the acients---Familiar melody---Clearless lyrics---Smooth---Personal feature---Just enjoy!

星期四, 十月 20, 2005

生老病死并不可怕,最怕是在死之前留下太多的遗憾。所以,对于我们这些活着的人,我们是不是更加应该为自己的理想而活呢? Dead is not fearful,but the most fearful thing is we leave too much sorrow.So,for our living people,why not living for our ideal?

星期日, 十月 16, 2005

Tears like Poem
I've already
already made my wound as rose
my tears
have already been rain water and samsara
I've already
already made the words forever
forget the colour of the sky
whether it is black or grey
parting hurts to whom
who makes him to be nice
my tears has been poem,it's all right
let you aftertaste again
words don't let me intoxicate,but I've drunk by myself
because memory is always the best
I've already
already made callosity to be complying
because of not matching
you suddenly say goodbye inferiority
I've already
already madedumbness to be confess,no way to go
only to be silence
parting hurts to whom
who makes him to be nice
my tears have been poem,it's all right
let you aftertaste again
words don't let me intoxicate,I've drunk by myself
because memory is always the best
parting hurts to whom
who makes him to be nice
my tears have been poem,it's all right
let you aftertaste again
words don't let me intoxicate,I've drunk by myself
your savour is always the best
Again,it is the lyric from Albert Lim.The tactful loneliness makes people sad.But simultaneity,one kind of bless with compunctious is inside the heart...one girl who is for other people to part...

星期六, 十月 08, 2005

再 一次的看到了微软的成功,其实,我们生活中的到处都在微软的光环下。我们大多数的人都在使用微软公司的操作系统、文字处理系统等等。尽管这几年来,微软 的软件的BUG数目很多,很多人都开始质疑微软系统的安全性,但是不可否认的,我们在谴责之时,也许还是在用Internet Explorer在上网查资料。这就是微软。 我觉得,一个公司的成功不仅仅是靠运气和正确的领导,实际上,企业文化在公司中的影响力至关重要。微软的突出就在于它让每一个员工都发挥了自己独特的作用与影响,它的使命在不断的实现和完善中,那句“激发个人潜能,实现企业潜力”真正的表现了出来。 我 想微软的垄断地位不会改变,至少,还没有哪个人可以公然的来“挑衅”微软的企业文化准则。所以,微软的创造力在不断的提升,微软的影响力在不断的扩大, 微软的科技实力也在不断的提高。微软如今已经成为业界中无须指出的领头羊,并且它的地位在竞争的社会中还是同样的牢固,我们看到的微软还是一个屹立不倒的 巨人。 我们在羡慕它的创始人——比尔盖茨和保罗艾伦、以及史蒂夫鲍尔默的同时,我们也该想想,为什么会有如今的微软?我个人觉得,他们远瞻性的观 点与思维,以及 积极地将自己的工作成果投入生活中运用,使之普及,这样人性化的做法正是微软的魅力所在。他们找到了人们的需求,令人们可以通过他们的软件来提升或改善生 活和工作的环境,所以他们的产品一直以来都能在市场上成功运作。 说了这么多,我最感兴趣的其实只有一个:谁能开创下一个微软神话? Seeing the success of Microsoft,actually we live in the Microsoft world.We,almost all people still use the operation systems and word processing system and etc. of Microsoft.Although these years,more and more bugs in those softwares are shown,and also many people become to oppugn the system security of Microsoft,but incontestable,when we accuse it,we still use Internet Explorer to visit the website.This is Microsoft. I think one successful company depends on not only the fortune and the right leadership but also one powerful company culture.The crackajack of Microsoft is it makes any staff to be their own to work.It says that "we help people throughout the world to realize their potential."We reaaly can see it running. I don't think Microsoft will really lose the forestall status,at least no one can defy the company culture.So we see the improvement from creativity,power of effect,ability of science and technology.Microsoft has been one leader in their industry,and of course it can keep the status easily.What we see is Microsoft is always one Titan. We are admiring for its founders-Bill Gates,Paul Allen and Steve Ballmer,at the same time we still need to think why we can see today of Microsoft.Individually I think their long-range point of view and thought and also they make the work together with the life,running in the normal life,this is the importance that why it had been popular quickly.They actaully know what kind of products those people want,they let people can improve their living and working situation.So it is sucessful. I've already talked so many things,but the only thing I focus is:Who can make another myth like Microsoft?
一家人,少了谁都不行! One family can not lose any one!

星期六, 九月 24, 2005

好久没有更新了,应该是因为自己肚子里的东西太少,所以交不出货来吧!可能也因为自己观察能力有限,所以,什么都看不透彻,自然也就没东西写了。希望到了某一天,这样的情形能改变吧! I haven't upgraded the blog for such a long time bacause I see nothing before,so of course,nothing can be written down.I think my ability of observing is limited,so nothing can be shown clearly.Well,I can write what?!Ok,I realy hope that one day I can improve myself...should improve...

星期三, 九月 14, 2005

一个人的行为是否值得我欣赏,我觉得不是由传统道德上的“好”或“坏”来决定的。我更欣赏那些在不同的方面都会坚持同样原则的人,甚至那些人充满陋习我也不会过分在乎。 其实,有些人为钱,为名声,为利益,为一种虚荣感可以做出很多违背常理的事情,也许从另一个角度讲,他们也在牺牲自己。作为人,每个人都是公平的,所以也就不存在谁做得永远都对,谁做得永远都错。同样,在不同的情况下,相同的决定发生在不同的人身上所产生的结果都会是不同的。 一个人能够坚守同一原则过完一生,那他就已经很棒了。 I don't think we can differentiate which is "good" or "bad" in traditional moral,which is worth learning for me.I prefer to justice those people who can persist in the same principle in the different fields,whatever they have all bad habits or not. Actually,some people is living for money,for reputation,for benefits,for peacockery.They can do something departing ordinary rules.But on the other hand,they are immolating themselves.Being human beings,every people is fair.So no one will always be right or wrong.Also,in the different situation,the same decision can make different results in different person. If any one can follow only one principle to finish one whole life,he/she will be great!

星期五, 九月 09, 2005

一直比较张柏芝的表演,也蛮喜欢这个人。为什么?不是因为她的歌,不是因为她的中庸的演技,最主要的是,她的处世为人一直是那么率真,那就够了。 Always like Cecillia Cheung's act,and also better like this person(compared with other actress).Why?Not because of her appealing songs,her normal acting,the most important thing is,she is so frankness.That's enough.

星期三, 九月 07, 2005

一家人都为了钱而累,我什么时候才能真正改变这个情况? The family are tried to earn money.When can I change this poor situation?

星期二, 九月 06, 2005

有问题的时候叫烦恼,没问题的时候叫无聊,不懂怎么样的日子才是最好?! Facing problems we will be confused;No problem met we will be boring.Well,which kind of life you are looking for?

星期四, 九月 01, 2005

又看了一遍“成长的烦恼”,真是百看不厌。不过,这电视剧也真正伴随了我20年,并且我相信,它还会继续的伴随我,也许还得伴随我的下一代。西伏尔一家搬离了纽约,去了华盛顿,过了新的生活:长子迈克开始感受家庭的责任,大女儿卡罗尔开始了新的学校生活,并且也体会爱情,小儿子本开始跟随父母去华盛顿,接触新的生活,而最小的妹妹克瑞丝也得面对新的朋友。结局虽然有些分离的悲情,可是更浓的却是一家人在同一屋檐下的酸甜苦辣的记忆,难以让人忘怀,并且,我看到,那群孩子都长大了。 说真的,真想再看到新的成长的烦恼,也许是西伏尔一家10多年后的生活。 I see again of "Growing pains",I am really not tire of it.Yes,the teleplays are going with me for more than 20 years.I believe that it will go on with me,maybe with my next generation or more.The Seaver's leave New York to Washington D.C.,to have one new life.The eldest son,Mike begins to feel the responsibility of the family;The eldest daughter,Carol has to face the new school life and the same time she is falling in love;The youngest son,Ben should follow his parents to D.C to touch new life;and of course,the youngest daughter,Chrissy should face to the new friends.The ending has some sadness of leaving,but more is about the memories from the past 21 years living together,inculding all the joys and sorrows of life.I never forget.Also,I really see that one family is growing. I hope that I can see one new "Growing pains",perhaps it will be about the life of the Seaver's after 10 years.

星期三, 八月 31, 2005

夕阳无限好 The setting sun is nice 多经典的歌后 Such a classical "queen of singer" 一眨眼已走 has gone suddenly 缠绵着青葱的山丘 The massif is full of scallion 转眼变蚁丘 it has been anthill 这个刹那宇宙 This momentary universe 拒绝永久 rejects to be forever 世事无常还是未看够 seen all about the world 还未看透 Never learnt all about the world 多好玩的东西 Such an amused thing 早晚会放低 will be given up one day 从前并肩的好兄弟 Side-by-side good friends before 可会撑到底 whether it will go on 爱侣爱到一个地步 Lovers will go on love 便另觅安慰 but will find another love 枉当初苦苦送礼 wrongly bitter to give you the present 最艳的花卉 the most beautiful flower 最後化烂泥 finally being slime 夕阳无限好 the setting sun is nice 天色已黄昏 the colour of sky has been dusk 本想去凭爱 before,suppose to take the love 去换最灿烂一生 to get one wonderful life 想不到长吻 never think that one forever kiss 带来更永恒伤感 brings one forever hurt 夕阳无限好 the setting sun is nice 却是近黄昏 but it is near to dark 高峰的快感 the high and large charge 刹那失憾 sudden to lose the feelings 风花雪月不肯等人 anything won't wait you 要献便献吻 so go ahead to dedicate one kiss 多风光的海岛 such one nice island 一秒变废土 has been scrap land in one second 长存在心底的倾慕 the adore always in my heart 一秒够细数 can understand all in one second 每秒每晚彷似大盗 every second,every night like one robber 偷走的青春一天天变老 make away with youth,ageing through the day 只可追忆到 just can look back 想追追不到 but can not catch yet 夕阳无限好 the setting sun is nice 天色已黄昏 the colour of sky has been dusk 本想去凭爱 before,suppose to take the love 去换最灿烂一生 to get one winderful life 想不到长吻 never think that one forever love 带来更永恒伤感 brings one forever hurt 夕阳无限好 the setting sun is nice 却是近黄昏 but it is near to dark 高峰的快感 the high and large charge 刹那失陷 sudden to lose the feelings 风花雪月不肯等人 anything won't wait you 要献便献吻 so go ahead to dedicate one kiss 好风景多的是 there are a lot of nice views 夕阳平常事 the setting sun is one normal view 然而每天眼见的 however every day we see 永远不相似 is never ever the same
*不知道在这感性歌词的背后,有着怎样一个感性的人呢? *I don't know what is the people who is back of such a sensible lyric.

星期二, 八月 30, 2005

互 联网进入普及才10多年,可是这10年历程,就已经显示出互联网的实力。电子邮件、即时聊天甚至是衍生出的网络性爱都成了真实生活中的离不开的虚拟世界的 一部份,当然,现在是博客时代,不知道,我们现在所处的是哪一个博客帝国的发展期呢?不过,值得注意的是,博客让我们很多人又习惯了记录过去和憧憬未来。 Internet come into common life for only about 10 years.But in these 10 years,we can see the power of this new technology.E-mail,Instant Messenger,and even Cybersex,all are becoming one true visual world.Of course,now blog is popular.But we don't know what the developping period of Blog Empire is.By the way,we can notice that Blog make us record the past time and dream to the future again.
出门在外能够更深的体会家乡的美,不是吗? Going abroad can let us learn more about ourself,can't we?
刚看了一些别人的blog,发现很多的国人都是英文做的,还好,我一直以来就已双语来写,为的找个机会锻炼一下自己的英语水平,虽然我的英语仍然是很烂的。 有时候想想,自己在这个世界上都算是稀有品种了,所以,也许看好我的人也会比较稀有。不过还好,我至少比那些遥远的星辰清晰很多了。 I just saw other people's blog.I found that those blogs are almost using only English.But still nice because I use two languages to write down essays all along and just for finding one chance to practise my poor enough English. Sometimes I think I am one singular people in this world,so maybe less and less people will enjoy me.But not bad,I am much clear than those faraway stars.

星期一, 八月 29, 2005

一直以来,我都以为那些可以结束自己生命的人很有勇气,却一直忽略了,其实那些能够坦然面对生活的人更有勇气。 我一直用不同的角度与眼光看问题,却又忽略了用最原始的人性的观点去看事对物。原来,我的心理年龄还没那么老,至少,我在一些方面的想法还未必成熟,只是,这一点,我才发现! I think at all times that those people who can finish their own life are so nervy,but I always ignore that those people who can face their whole life are more nervy. I used to look at problems with different points,but I lose one way which is most original and humanistic. Actually my mental age is still not so old.At least I still have some immature idea.But now I just know it!
不经意间又感性起来,其实有时候太感性真会触景生情的。 我想起了一篇篇关于我们地球生态环境的报导,于是乎,那一幕幕的破坏自然的恶行仿佛就在面前。 每天听见哪里的森林被砍伐、哪里的水土流失、哪一种生命又即将灭绝,我们人类到底做过了些什么?60亿的人与更多生物一起分享这唯一的一个地球。可作为高等动物的我们人类,却一手造成地球环境的恶化。我们真的那么不负责任吗?考虑一下吧! Momentary I have been sensibility again.I think sometimes sensibility will let us get lots of feelings. I think about many reports about environment in the earth.And then all devilries to destroy nature are alike to be shown to me. Everyday we can hear the news about "the trees are fallen down""water and soil are much less and less""one species has disappeared".What did we do and what will we do? Sixty hundred million people and other more life-form share this only world.But as one kind of altitude animal-human beings,we deteriorate environment in the earth.Do we need to go on being irresponsible?Let's think about it.

星期六, 八月 27, 2005

再别康桥---徐志摩 轻轻的我走了, 正如我轻轻的来; 我轻轻的招手, 作别西天的云彩。 那河畔的金柳, 是夕阳中的新娘; 波光里的艳影, 在我的心头荡漾。 软泥上的青荇, 油油的在水底招摇; 在康桥的柔波里, 我甘心做一条水草! 那榆荫下的一潭, 不是清泉, 是天上虹 揉碎在浮藻间, 沉淀着彩虹似的梦。 寻梦?撑一支长蒿, 向青草更青处漫溯, 满载一船星辉, 在星辉斑斓里放歌。 但我不能放歌, 悄悄是别离的笙箫; 夏虫也为我沉默, 沉默是今晚的康桥! 悄悄的我走了, 正如我悄悄的来; 我挥一挥衣袖, 不带走一片云彩。
Goodbye Again, Cambridge! I leave softly, gently, Exactly as I came. I wave to the western sky, Telling it goodbye softly, gently. The golden willow at the river edge Is the setting sun's bride. Her quivering reflection Stays fixed in my mind. Green grass on the bank Dances on a watery floor In bright reflection. I wish myself a bit of waterweed Vibrating to the ripple. Of the River Cam. That creek in the shade of the great elms Is not a creek but a shattered rainbow, Printed on the water And inlaid with duckweed, It is my lost dream. Hunting a dream? Wielding a long punting pole I get my boat into green water, Into still greener grass. In a flood of starlight On a river of silver and diamond I sing to my heart's content. But now, no, I cannot sing With farewell in my heart. Farewells must be quiet, mute, Even the summer insects are silent, Knowing I am leaving. The Cambridge night is soundless. I leave quietly As I came quietly. I am leaving Without taking so much As a piece of cloud. But with a quick jerk of my sleave I wave goodbye.
*喜欢徐志摩的诗,尤其是这首再别康桥。念着念着,就能看到一幅美景,耳边又响起了那幽幽的自然音乐,这就是徐志摩的诗,像音乐般的诗。 *I like the poem from Xu Zhimo,especially this "Goodbye again,Combridge!"Every time I read it,I seem watching one beautiful view,and listening to the faint natural music.This is the poem from Xu Zhimo,the poem like music!

星期五, 八月 26, 2005

一直对欧洲的美景所迷恋,一直想像着我有一天站在那片土地上的滋味。看到英国伦敦桥,所谓的情人桥,那幢充满浪漫气息的建筑物。我总算是体会到了那种来自另一个国度的泥土的清香,一种浓浓的、具有艺术气质的芬芳。 I am infatuated with beauty from Europe;I always image that one day I stand on that ground.I seem to see that London Bridge,that Lover's bridge,the construction is full of romanticize.Finally I taste one kind of faint scent which is coming from another country.That is maybe one great fragrance combining with artistic temperament.
有时候,缘分的东西真的很难说。就像我喜爱的这部"a lot like love"。分分合合是故事的主旋律,一年一年的时光却未能冲淡感情,反而把原本淡淡的情谊变成了爱情的精华,变成了永恒。 现在我知道,追求永恒是不难的,因为永恒会停留在那最真实的一瞬间。 Occasionally,luck is one difficult thing.Such as my favorite film--"A Lot Of Love".Going away or being together is the main tune of the story.Love was never diluted by years and years,on the contrary,the light love has been the distillate of love,being forever. Now I see that to pursue forever is easy because the most true moment in life is namely forever.
在一次从洛杉矶飞往纽约的飞机上,奥利文和艾米莉有了一次亲密的接触,不过,那时的他们觉得,彼此几乎没可能在一起。不过在往后超过7年的日子里,他们一次次的相遇,从相知、相亲到相爱...... On one flight from Los Angeles to New York,Oliver(Kutcher) and Emily(Peet) make one connection,only to decide that they are poorly suited to be together.Over the next sever years,however,they are reunited time and time again,they go from being acquaintances to close friends to ...lovers ?!

星期四, 八月 25, 2005

好 笑!这几天静下心来想想事情,发现真是有很多东西想不明白的。就好像,明知道两个人针对性的谈话,早晚都会不愉快,可是就是谁都不会让;明知道天会下 雨,可还是不愿带雨伞......这样的事情太多,让我们觉得什么都是一定会发生的,然后就是自然地面对。这就是人,永远在矛盾中生活。 Funny thing!These days I always think about something happened in daily life.Finally I find that a lot of things I can not understand.For example,twp people talks pertinency and they all know that one day they will be unhappy cause of it,buut they still go on;sometimes we know it will be rainy,but we don't take umbrella yet...Such things are continuing.We all feel that anything will happen in any time.We go to learn to face all natural.That is human,always living in antinomy.

星期三, 八月 24, 2005

名字就叫作第一帖。 接触博客其实已经是很久之前的事情了,但是我当时只是带着旁观者的心情去享受博客所带来的那些好处。不过,令我惊讶的是,原本我以为只可能在国外风靡的新兴潮流,在国内也能一并发展,真是有感于互联网技术的伟大。 所以,我想,假如秦始皇活在当今,他应该也不会使用焚书坑儒的傻做法,而应该学习本拉登的恐怖主义精神把那一条条海底光缆剪烂,那才是明智之选。 随便说说。 *联想到现在有些地方关于一些事情还搞隐瞒,试问,怎么瞒?瞒多久呢? The topic is "the first note". Actually I have already touched "blog" for a very long time.But at that time I was only acted as one stander-by to enjoy the goods brought from it.Now I merely feel surprised that the foreign popular technique is so fast to come to "our" life.I really find out that Internet surely is one of the greatest invention in the past century. So,I think that if the first emperor of Qin Dynasty was alive,he would not going to set all confucian books on fire,but need to learn from Bin Laden,that kind of terrorism,to cut all network cable underwater.That will be a smart choice. Easy to talk. *Thinking of some affairs,a lot of people wanna hide them.Please ask yourself how to hide them and how long you can hide them.