星期六, 九月 24, 2005

好久没有更新了,应该是因为自己肚子里的东西太少,所以交不出货来吧!可能也因为自己观察能力有限,所以,什么都看不透彻,自然也就没东西写了。希望到了某一天,这样的情形能改变吧! I haven't upgraded the blog for such a long time bacause I see nothing before,so of course,nothing can be written down.I think my ability of observing is limited,so nothing can be shown clearly.Well,I can write what?!Ok,I realy hope that one day I can improve myself...should improve...

星期三, 九月 14, 2005

一个人的行为是否值得我欣赏,我觉得不是由传统道德上的“好”或“坏”来决定的。我更欣赏那些在不同的方面都会坚持同样原则的人,甚至那些人充满陋习我也不会过分在乎。 其实,有些人为钱,为名声,为利益,为一种虚荣感可以做出很多违背常理的事情,也许从另一个角度讲,他们也在牺牲自己。作为人,每个人都是公平的,所以也就不存在谁做得永远都对,谁做得永远都错。同样,在不同的情况下,相同的决定发生在不同的人身上所产生的结果都会是不同的。 一个人能够坚守同一原则过完一生,那他就已经很棒了。 I don't think we can differentiate which is "good" or "bad" in traditional moral,which is worth learning for me.I prefer to justice those people who can persist in the same principle in the different fields,whatever they have all bad habits or not. Actually,some people is living for money,for reputation,for benefits,for peacockery.They can do something departing ordinary rules.But on the other hand,they are immolating themselves.Being human beings,every people is fair.So no one will always be right or wrong.Also,in the different situation,the same decision can make different results in different person. If any one can follow only one principle to finish one whole life,he/she will be great!

星期五, 九月 09, 2005

一直比较张柏芝的表演,也蛮喜欢这个人。为什么?不是因为她的歌,不是因为她的中庸的演技,最主要的是,她的处世为人一直是那么率真,那就够了。 Always like Cecillia Cheung's act,and also better like this person(compared with other actress).Why?Not because of her appealing songs,her normal acting,the most important thing is,she is so frankness.That's enough.

星期三, 九月 07, 2005

一家人都为了钱而累,我什么时候才能真正改变这个情况? The family are tried to earn money.When can I change this poor situation?

星期二, 九月 06, 2005

有问题的时候叫烦恼,没问题的时候叫无聊,不懂怎么样的日子才是最好?! Facing problems we will be confused;No problem met we will be boring.Well,which kind of life you are looking for?

星期四, 九月 01, 2005

又看了一遍“成长的烦恼”,真是百看不厌。不过,这电视剧也真正伴随了我20年,并且我相信,它还会继续的伴随我,也许还得伴随我的下一代。西伏尔一家搬离了纽约,去了华盛顿,过了新的生活:长子迈克开始感受家庭的责任,大女儿卡罗尔开始了新的学校生活,并且也体会爱情,小儿子本开始跟随父母去华盛顿,接触新的生活,而最小的妹妹克瑞丝也得面对新的朋友。结局虽然有些分离的悲情,可是更浓的却是一家人在同一屋檐下的酸甜苦辣的记忆,难以让人忘怀,并且,我看到,那群孩子都长大了。 说真的,真想再看到新的成长的烦恼,也许是西伏尔一家10多年后的生活。 I see again of "Growing pains",I am really not tire of it.Yes,the teleplays are going with me for more than 20 years.I believe that it will go on with me,maybe with my next generation or more.The Seaver's leave New York to Washington D.C.,to have one new life.The eldest son,Mike begins to feel the responsibility of the family;The eldest daughter,Carol has to face the new school life and the same time she is falling in love;The youngest son,Ben should follow his parents to D.C to touch new life;and of course,the youngest daughter,Chrissy should face to the new friends.The ending has some sadness of leaving,but more is about the memories from the past 21 years living together,inculding all the joys and sorrows of life.I never forget.Also,I really see that one family is growing. I hope that I can see one new "Growing pains",perhaps it will be about the life of the Seaver's after 10 years.